Thursday, September 25, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

These are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle miniatures by Dark Horse Comics, they were made in the mid 1980's.  They are 15mm miniatures, very small compared to the usual 28mm miniatures I usually paint.

These awesome miniatures were created by Dark Horse to represent the characters in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic by Dark Horse.  If you are familiar with the comic series from the 80's and 90's, many of these characters may seem familiar.  The Triceratons, Fugitoid, Terror Bears, and many others are represented as miniatures.

To keep with the familiar look of the Turtles, I painted them in the colors of the cartoon, since the comic books originally had them all with red bandanas.  The only way to tell them apart was by looking at their weapons.  The owner of these miniatures wanted them to be easily distinguishable from a distance, so I painted them in the familiar red, blue, purple, and orange.  Also the color of their skin is different in the cartoons, so I matched it.

Painting these miniatures was extremely enjoyable.  I had many of the old Dark Horse TMNT comics on hand, so I was able to find good reference material for them.  These miniatures are very characterful and have lots of nostalgia for those of us that grew up watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Saturday mornings.  For the full collection, visit the Gallery.

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